On this page we
inform you about problems and changes
- 13.06.24 new Windmesser
Aenometer installed
- 10.05.24 Aenometer defect
- 23.05.18 Change to secure https
connection, Navtex taken offline, privacy policy added
- 25.01.14 The colours and levels
of our weather warning system has been changed. Now i am using the same like
the spanish AEMET, so people won´t be confused by different colours on
different sites. The colour blue is added to use it for information. That
one includes the old weather PRE warning.
- 30.04.12 New NAVTEX Receiver in
- 25.03.12 Weather pc has changed
to a new machine with a 64 bit system.
Now the NAVTEX dont work - change of the receiver is planned.
- 10.12.10 Flight radar receiver
in cooperation with flightradar24 installed
- 22.11.10 Installation of a
earth quake sensor for the Stanford University / USA (Quake Catcher Network)
- 20.10.10 Installation of a 2.
Lightning Receiver System, connected with TOA Network
- 11.01.10
2.000.000 th click on Meteomalaga
- 01.01.10
Satellite receiver broken, time for repair about 3 weeks
- 03.12.09 Temp. Uploads
are off by Systemupgrade - Upgrade successfull at 23:15 h
- 11.01.09 I have just
added a page with the current traffic information of the province Málaga.
- 31.12.08
Malagaweather.com and meteomalaga.com have got now a Page Rank of 5 as well.
- 20.12.08 A part of
the charts can´t be updated because the synopserver in USA are beeing
- 15.10.08 Added the AIS
areas of Mallorca and Valencia.
- 04.10.08 Just since now,
Malagawetter (the German version) has got a Page Rank of 5, Malagaweather of
- 03.10.08 Found the
reason - lightning security system was broken.
- 01.10.08 Partial problem
with the satellite receiving system. The most pictures are unreadable.
- 15.09.08 The AIS System
has end the test phase and is now all times online. The page will be updated
every minute.
- 01.09.08 Weather warning
mail upgraded to html format.